
Written by 5ivecanons Staff

From the ‘hypodermic needle theory,’ to the ‘social cognitive theory,’ the power and influence of Advertising has always been debated. Many theories have been crafted, torn apart and modified in an attempt to gain influence over the general public.

Not too long ago, there was no concrete way to prove or disprove any of it. However, after the development of “pay-per-gaze” by Google could change all of that.

Although Google Glass wearers can rest easy knowing they won’t have to endure pop up ads anytime soon, Google has approved a new patent that would track how long smart glass wearers look at advertisements in the physical world.

Google would charge fees to advertisers based on whether a person looks at a real-world ad and would even adjust fees depending on how long an advertisement captured a wearers’ gaze. The direct feedback that pay-per-gaze could provide would revolutionize the way a successful campaign is measured.


Other tech companies have capitalized on the idea of pay-per-gaze and have created eye-tracking technologies that can even track emotional responses, gestures, and facial recognition capabilities.

TruMedia Technologies is among one of the companies working with facial recognition and has created a system that would target various display ads at individuals based on their gender, age, and how long each person looked at a specific advertisement.

With many people reeling from online privacy issues and intrusive information collecting only time will tell how far the public will allow technology like pay-per-gaze to go.