Our Jacksonville Design Team is Growing.

Written by 5ivecanons Staff

We were born as an engagement agency by the beach. And as our crowd grew, we changed. We optimized.

It is with great pleasure to announce our digital agency got one more. This time it’s for keeps.

Ashley Smith joins our creative team in downtown Jacksonville as an Art Director. She will oversee ongoing social distribution as well as all the people walking outside of our windows downtown. Her spot is right in the middle of our creative agency space, and she’s watching you.

She’s gone pretty hard in the paint since day 1. Hence, the decision to bring her on to manage some of our content and its distribution. As a designer, copywriter, photographer and rugby player – she brings some heat to the table. She also has a tendency to take any subject and burst into song, at any moment… which really does lighten up this already beaming office.

You can catch a glimpse of her biking in Riverside, at Bold Bean, or playing Dungeons and Dragons with her friends. And yes, she actually does that last part. As we learn to deal with her awkwardness, and the office fills with jovial tunes, we sure will have some great work to show for it.

Want to rap with her directly? Do it here: