Written by 5ivecanons Staff
Mobile subscribers in the US are switching to smartphones and downloading more apps, all at an alarming pace according to Nielson’s latest figures.
It is reported that 50.4% of all mobile subscribers in 2011 own a smartphone, a 12.4% increase from 2010. Those same users are also downloading more apps, an average of 41 apps in 2011, 9 more apps compared to 2010. With half of mobile subscribers using smartphone, advertisers are perfecting more specific ways to target specific groups.
Americans are using their phones more often, to check email, browse social networks, and shop. Online auction giant Ebay stated that mobile sales have risen $3 billion dollars from 2010 to 2011. With current trends showing no signs of slowing, mobile advertisers are capitalizing on all opportunities to grow.
So how can advertisers take advantage of location based ads and maximize relevant ad views? For starters, creating a Google Places page for your company will create search results and because Google is currently the most used search engine, ranking well create more awareness.
As advertisers fight for consumer’s attention, it is increasingly important to identify emerging markets where consumers have not been reached. Mobile users are spending 10% of their media attention – active consumption of media – through mobile devices. The problem is that advertisers are only spending around 1% on mobile advertising, compared to print’s 7% media attention.
According to Flurry Analytics, smartphone and tablet users are spending more time on apps over the web. Google also integrated admob, an app advertising tool, with its adwords service to provide its users access to admob’s 300,000 apps. This integration easily allows advertisers to spend on, and manage mobile ads via adwords editor.
Creative advertisers are spreading their wings and shifting into mobile as more tools are available to effectively produce compelling mobile campaigns. Contact us and learn about our suite of mobile services – including our white label mobile platform that features SMS/MMS blasts, mobile couponing and now wifi hotspot portals.