Increases in Audience Web Security, and the Effect on Marketers

Written by 5ivecanons Staff

Users today are beginning to have more and more control towards establishing greater online security, making tracking and IP address recognition more difficult for marketers. Between different applications and plug-ins, general users are becoming harder to reach directly.

Privacy and security tools are becoming more and more prevalent around the internet.  Many websites follow and track internet activity for many different reasons. Mostly tracking is done to help advertisers put the right ads in front of the right people, in hopes of using their recent searches and likes to get them to purchase a product or service.

This is not the only tracking that is done though, many websites use tracking in hopes of getting private information, and then try to use this information for who knows what. The push for online security among users is becoming more endemic as the internet grows.


Developers have seen this need for increased security on the internet, and this has led to the creation and usage of many apps and web plug-ins that help to protect users from tracking dangers. Different plug-ins do different things, but all of these examples are focused on the protection of the users personal and private data.


One of the most popular plug-ins is called AdBlock Plus, this program does just what you would imagine, it blocks ads. Although, this is not its only application; it also blocks many hidden third party widgets, which are aimed at learning more about users and then secretly sending their information out.

Another popular tool is called Disconnect. Disconnect allows you to control and maximize security efforts. It blocks tracking, much like AdBlock Plus, in addition it blocks tracking from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Also, Disconnect protects from something called sidejacking, which is a method used by attackers where they attempt to access personal information without a password, over a shared WIFI connection.

Finally, a program called Open DNS helps users by providing browsers and websites with false information. Specifically, Open DNS will give the website you are using  false or scrambled IP address through your internet router. This in turn protects users by making the site think they are some where they are not.

Private Browsing

Some private browsers sell themselves as being secure and safe tools to be used to search the internet, when actually they don’t completely protect users. One such browser setting is Google Chrome’s Incognito Mode. While in use, Incognito Mode will not keep track of internet history, and deletes all cookies after the page has been closed.

This setting does not however, protect from having data collected and stored, and it still provides the users IP address. This means information on the users actual location, browser information and operating system can all be accessed.

Impact on Marketers

Plug-ins can be a detriment to marketers who use Google Analytics to track web traffic and other online information.  By making tracking impossible with these tools, webpages are unable to keep an accurate count of how many times the site has been accessed. This of course is a negative side effect for marketers. With that being so, in return for increased protection on the users end, less analytical information can be gathered by marketers who need such data.

The internet is obviously a useful device, and shouldn’t be taken for granted. But because of increased security measures being taken by users, marketers are also paying the price because analytical data collected by marketers is now becoming less and less accurate. For more information about audience internet security, tracking and its effects on marketers, comment on this blog or call us at (904) 353-2900.
