Improve Your Website With Google Analytics

Written by 5ivecanons Staff

If you are active in any type of sales or marketing, your website may be the main vehicle to provide potential customers with more information.

You may be familiar with a basic advertising report that measures impressions and clicks, but what happens post click? Why does it matter?
If you are not already using an analytics package, you most likely have few to zero leads through your website each month. Integrating Google Analytics is the first step to improving your website for web based sales leads.

Google Analytics will provide a baseline measurement for website traffic. You will immediately be able to measure visits, page views and time spent on site. But here are a few other ways to improve your website through Google Analytics.

1. Measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are financial and non-financial metrics used to help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals. Focus on establishing KPIs or the top goals of your website. What should visitors do on your site? Why did you build your website?

KPIs are critical when deploying Goal Funnels.

2. Create a Search Engine Optimization Strategy

For brands to compete for an audience online, having a strong search engine optimization strategy is important. Search engine traffic drives users who are looking for exactly what you provide or sell.

Google Analytics will allow you to monitor which search terms led the most traffic, see which pages are the most used and even where in the world traffic is coming from.

3. Understand Your Users

Google Analytics provides you with a bounce rate tool to measure how long the audience stays on your site. If the visitor is going to your site and immediately leaving, your site may need to be re-designed or the content may need to be changed.

You can see what users are most interested in by seeing which pages they spend the most time on. Also, you can see what types of browsers they are using, this is important to know if you are thinking about mobile. There is a Device feature to measure your visitors by mobile device.

If you are getting more iPhone traffic than Android, you may want to consider an iOS roll out before Android or a specific tablet offering.

5. Convert Traffic Into Sales With Goal Funnels

Once you know the search terms and habits of the user, Google Analytics provides you with a tool to understand how to improve engagement and drive visitors to contact or check out pages. By setting up Goal Funnels, you can track a series of pages you expect the visitor to see en route to the goal.

A goal can be anything from a specific page, a sign up form, a purchase or even just an amount of time spent on your site. Goal Funnels simply allow you to visualize the steps your users go through to find what they are looking for on your website.

6. Make Data Driven Decisions

Google Analytics covers all aspects of measuring your website’s success. The most important reason for using analytics is you will have actual data to make any website or marketing decisions. If you have to make decisions through committee, at least you’ll data to support your request for search engine advertising.

To find more information on Google Analytics, visit their youtube channel or contact us for one-on-one consultation to improve your website’s conversion of traffic into sales leads.